FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Does Florence support international keyboard layouts with non-European characters (such as Arab, Chinese, Punjab, etc...)
Q: My layout is weird. Is there a way to change it?


Does Florence support international keyboard layouts with non-European characters (such as Arab, Chinese, Punjab, etc...)


Yes. Florence does support all the keyboard layouts supported by X. In order to use a different keyboard layout, you can use the setxkbmap command. For instance, to use an Arabic keyboard, use the following command:

$ setxkbmap ar

This works for any language supported by your X server.

Some desktop environments also provide a dialog to change the keyboard layout, like MATE's mate-keyboard-properties.

You can configure several language layouts in mate-keyboard-properties. There are several applets that allow you to easily change layout. You can also change layout in Florence: press Alt and the config key in the "action keys" extension. This will switch to the next language configured in mate-keyboard-properties.


My layout is weird. Is there a way to change it?


Yes. One can change the layout with the settings dialog (layout tab). You can even make your own layout (see the hacking section of this documentation).