Make sure you have the latest version of Florence (0.6.2 as of May, the 16 of 2014). You can get it at Sourceforge
In order to build Florence, you need a build environment with the following commands: make, scrollkeeper and a C compiler (gcc recommended), along with the following package dependencies:
gtk+ (version >= 3.0)
(Optional: --with-at-spi configure option) cspi (version >= 2.0)
libxml (версии >= 2.0)
intltool (версии >= 0.23)
gstreamer (version > 1.0)
(Опционально: --with-docs конфигурирует опции) gnome-doc-utils
(Опционально: --with-libnotify конфигурирует опции) libnotify
(Опционально: --with-xtst конфигурирует опции) libxtst
How to install those dependencies is dependant on your distribution. If you don't know how to install them, please check with your distribution support.
Installing Florence from source is like installing any program that uses the GNU autotools. Open a terminal and type the following commands:
tar -xjvf florence-0.6.2.tar.bz2
cd florence-0.6.2
./configure --prefix=/usr
su -c "make install"
Для Ubuntu, заменить последнюю команду на:
sudo make install
Проверьте список других настраиваемых опций, совместимых с:
./configure --help
Your distribution may already have a recent binary package of Florence. In this case, you don't have to build it from source.
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